At ABC Robotics, s.r.o. we specialize in mobile and industrial robotics. We love designing, building and programming robots.
We worked in factories of 8 car brands on 3 continents and performed thousands of affordable, high accuracy car zero frame, external tool base and tool center point measurements. We are also strong in R&D with projects involving measurement systems, robot arms, mobile robots, robot cars and aerial robots.
ABC Robotics, s.r.o. was founded over 10 years ago by Dr. Albert Diosi. In his career Albert programmed powerful industrial robots for car manufacturers, won the first ever robotics competition in Slovakia, earned a PhD (while winning the award for the best thesis) in mobile robot navigation at Monash University in Australia, did a post-doc in IRISA/INRIA Rennes in France with robot cars, worked in England on a famous robot vacuum cleaner, been a reviewer for top robotics journals and conferences and was the national surf champion. A list of Albert's publications..
ABC Robotics provides robotics related services for the automotive industry and for the home and service robotics industry.
We perform work cell calibration for robots accurately, efficiently and cost effectively using our in-house developed Aquilla™ measurement system. We are also good at solving odd problems such as finding a valid car 0 frame for existing hand taught programs to satisfy car manufacturers' strictest standards.
We measure for Kuka / Fanuc / ABB and other robots:
We develop custom solutions for our clients in different areas such as land or aerial robots, industry and homes including office automation. For more information please contact us.
Aquilla™, our flagship product, is aimed at industrial robot related coordinate frame measurements. Thousands of measurements and a large number of satisfied clients prove the qualities of the system. If you would like to buy an Aquilla™ measurement system or a non-exclusive license for the source code and the blue prints, write us at
If you
Have a masters degree from FIIT STU, FEI STU, MFF UK or an equivalent university, or you are about to get one
Dream about becoming a roboticist
Love coding or love making electronics
Speak English and Hungarian
then drop us an email to